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The Mirrors of Mardas - Keiya's beginning

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#21 Warmonger



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Posted 23 October 2012 - 03:00 PM

"It shall be done my lord, if you would kindly make your way to the armoury when you have finished here, everything will be ready for you, and then you need to head to the med bay"

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#22 Keiya


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Posted 23 October 2012 - 03:30 PM

With a nod, he gave one last look at the alter and turned to pace from the chamber. Nothing weighed on his mind aside from is present task. He gave his eyes close in respect before making his way from the room and towards the Armory. With each footfall upon the solid floor, he felt the reverberation from the sound against his eardrums. It was quiet - something he was far too used to. Walking, he let his thoughts meander through the details he had gathered and reveled in the simplicity; just another target. Just another job that he would complete in the name of his Emperor. Using the cold darkness as his guise and wearing a faux mask of deliverance. He knew what he was - the dark side of the light. The areas that it simply refused to reach in order to allow access to such areas. This was his life. This was his soul material. Nearing the Armory, his mind retreated upon itself.

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"I scar my armor so that you may know, for I am a Templar of Blood."

#23 Warmonger



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Posted 23 October 2012 - 04:50 PM

"You'll be the madman that they are sending into the shithole, who just wants a knife." A burly man says as you near. He goes into the armoury and then appears again holding a slim, small carbon fibre knife, with a mono edge. "There you are sonny, now piss off to the med bay" and with that he closes the armoury door with a bang.

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#24 Keiya


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Posted 25 October 2012 - 01:23 PM

He payed no mind to the way he was met - he simply accepted the knife he was handed and turned away. With the weapon of choice now within his grasp, he flipped it over in his hand, examining the length of the blade, it's make, how flush the grip sat with the alloy, and it's dullness. It was a fine weapon; razor sharp and deadly in the proper hands. It was almost feather light - Were it not from his extensive experience with such weapons he may have called it weightless. Flipping it through his fingers he tucked it away within his heavy coat and proceeded away from the Armory towards the med-bay.

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"I scar my armor so that you may know, for I am a Templar of Blood."

#25 Warmonger



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Posted 25 October 2012 - 01:40 PM


When you reach the med bay, you are met by the stench of disinfectants, and the glare of white sheets and high-vis lighting. When inside, one of the physicians approaches you
"Morning sir, I have been told that you are to descend to the penal colony?" he says "To do so, you will have to be more worn and scarred, to come across as a hardened criminal. Would it be permissable to alter you in such a way? all processes can be reversed. Also we need to add a penal tattoo to your upper arms and torso."

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#26 Keiya


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Posted 25 October 2012 - 02:47 PM

It was more of a pungent stench than anything giving way to 'clean'. He narrowed his eyes as the burning scent and disinfectant chemicals filled his nostrils. Turning to face the medical staff he took note of their cleanliness and outstanding politeness. Turning and removing his coat, he laid it carefully over a table and turned back towards them - his sender yet lean and toned form all the more apparent without the bulk of the heavy tailed coat. " Do what is needed, but leave the scaring of the face to a bare minimal if anything at all. It will effect my ability to perform my ask." Making vocal note of his flawless skin. The rest of his visible body, however, was covered in multiple scars and combat wounds, some still in the process of healing - he did not have the aid of healing augmentations. This did not reflect in his face or snow white hair which looked as clean and pure as a fresh recruit signing up to serve.

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"I scar my armor so that you may know, for I am a Templar of Blood."

#27 Warmonger



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Posted 25 October 2012 - 05:50 PM

"ach, looks like we'll need to do very little in the way of cosmetics here, just the tatts then" and with that he sets to work stenciling the penal details onto your arm.
"All done, now I was told to tell you to go to the hangar bay, where you will be shackled and prisoner transferred. good luck."

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#28 Keiya


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Posted 29 October 2012 - 02:46 PM

It was somewhat elating, the sting of the application of designs that would set him as a criminal among the criminals. A liar among those who were damned by their tongues and actions - yet to infiltrate, become one of them, and then carve out what he needed. What was truly criminal here? As the process was completed, he rolled his eyes over the markings. A sense of disgust bubbled up in his mind but he quickly suppressed it. 'Shackled.' The word dug through his mind like an excited miner. Standing, he proceeded away from the medical facilities and towards the hangar. As he walked, he wondered back to the individual in the Chapel...which directed his thoughts to the Inquisitor. Something was starting to feel...different. A subtle alteration in the feeling he usually had about his 'jobs' that simply didn't exist. There was caution about him. He pressed forward.

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"I scar my armor so that you may know, for I am a Templar of Blood."

#29 Warmonger



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Posted 29 October 2012 - 08:06 PM

When you walk into the hangar bay, you are met by some armsmen. They are all wearing visors and have loaded shotguns. This is presumably for the staged prisoner transfer you assume. One walks over to you, brandishing some shackles.
"Sorry about this sir, but we have to make you look the part, and being unshackled wouldn't look right." he says as he attaches them to your wrists.

A klaxon sounds, and you all step into a small airlock as the blast doors open to allow access for a small argus lighter, bearing the marks of a prison carrier. Once pressure is reasserted, you are led towards the lighter by the armsmen, and handed over. The new guards are automatically wary, and don't give you the amount of abuse you are sure they give the other prisoners. You are chained to a seat and the doors close.

+There you are, the rest is up to you. Is there something wrong? I sense a change within you? Merely think of your answer and I will hear it +

the argus speeds towards a prisoner barge, leaving the inquisitor's ship far behind.

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#30 Keiya


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Posted 30 October 2012 - 10:39 PM

As he is walked through the paces, chained, shackled, and directed. His mind began to slip into a sort of zen state as his feet found their path towards the seat that would be his home for the remainder of the trip. As he turned to sit, hair shifting before his eyes, he took note of the guards' reluctance to come in contact with him. He paid them no mind - touch him or not he didn't care. His mission was absolute. No matter what he came in contact with he would simply address it as needed.

The voice resounded in his mind - a warm yet detached feeling streaking at the back of his skull. -I am simply...assimilating the needed emotions. Emperor's will be done.- He let the words flow from his mind as his mental ritual began to take form.

It was from here on, however, that he was deadliest. Though physical bonds tied him together, his unchained mind and openness to proceed as desired was relinquished to himself for his own purpose. A soft smile quickly turned to a vicious smirk as he lifted his eyes - a new wildness alive within them. His muscles tensed as he looked around, seemingly unaware of his surroundings. A heavy breath, a heaving of the chest - his mind was set. This world of criminals would be his and he would find his target, extract the desired information, and make his way onwards.

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"I scar my armor so that you may know, for I am a Templar of Blood."

#31 Warmonger



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Posted 31 October 2012 - 09:52 PM


the argus lighter settles in what you presume is another hangar, and the doors open. You feel the bite of recycled air, and know that this must be a prison barge on route to the penal colony. You are placed in a cell with hundreds of murderers, rapists, heretics, and assorted other scum and left to fend for yourself.

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#32 Keiya


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 03:58 PM


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"I scar my armor so that you may know, for I am a Templar of Blood."

#33 Warmonger



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Posted 01 November 2012 - 07:22 PM


A huge bloke approaches you
"Care to fuck off?" He says "This is a private party 'ere and you be intrudin' and all." He guffaws as more of his mates surround him "Hey, you know what, the boys need some entertainin' ..."

He swings one of his massive fists at you 1d100 rolled for a total of: 100 (100) 

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#34 Keiya


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Posted 01 November 2012 - 08:39 PM


Upon the process of being transported and placed in the imprisoned environment, he took in mental notes of the guards, inmates he passed, utilities he could make use of, and objects that could be used in one situation or another. Upon his release into the populace, he shifted around, testing the pull of the gravity here. The stench of poor hygiene and malice towards him as a new inmate burnt his nostrils. As he ruffled his nose to rid it of the stench, he heard the approach of a large, grizzled male with blood-frenzied eyes and a large chip on his shoulder. He knew exactly what this was - it wasn't his first ride. Arazael held total eye contact with the large man, listening to him sputter words. As the fist was balled and projected, he never flinched, never moved. His calf muscles tensed as he was struck directly in the side of the head. A temple shot. He stumbled to the right, his footing giving, before slamming into a wall. Head bouncing, he gritted his teeth and stood himself up.

The knot on his head was already forming. Eyes were upon him. Some in wonder as to how he wasn't on the floor - some waiting for the next action. His left eye twitched in response to the numbing pain as his mental state repressed it. A vicious smirk streaked across his lips. "Wonderful. You'll get your entertainment."

He marched forward, steadily, vision slightly blurry from the blow. As he approached, he took note of the smugness of the mans' face - right before planting his left foot and sending a knee directly towards his stomach with bone shattering force and fluid form. 1d100 rolled for a total of: 91 (91)


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"I scar my armor so that you may know, for I am a Templar of Blood."

#35 Warmonger



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Posted 03 November 2012 - 11:17 PM

The knee connects heavily, and big muscles gunts as he hits the floor hard. He reaches out and grasps at your leg

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#36 Keiya


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Posted 05 November 2012 - 09:56 PM

With a pathetic sense washing up inside of him. He decides to allow the man to reach for him. Watching his fingers linger outwards in a poor attempt with no clear outcome he slowly tilts his head and sneers. " Have you had your fun? "


He lifts his opposite foot and narrows his eyes until they are nothing more but vicious slits of disgust. He strikes downwards towards the mans' head with his heavy boot.


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"I scar my armor so that you may know, for I am a Templar of Blood."

#37 Warmonger



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Posted 05 November 2012 - 10:43 PM


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#38 Keiya


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Posted 13 November 2012 - 06:08 PM


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"I scar my armor so that you may know, for I am a Templar of Blood."

#39 Warmonger



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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:24 PM


This planet is a graveyard - care to join me? 

#40 Keiya


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Posted 14 November 2012 - 05:33 PM

In the situation, looming, it was clear what would need to be done. His mind settled in a process of matters of where to go from this point and focused on the only outcome available. This was no containment, this was a prison - one filled with the most despised and detestable in the Imperium. Sneering, he took motive and brought his foot smashing down towards the attacker.


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"I scar my armor so that you may know, for I am a Templar of Blood."

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