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The Hunters

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#1 Domine Nox

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Postad 15 December 2011 - 05:18 AM

Prelude to the Hunt

There was a low thrum of the engines as the Silent Shadow transverse the darker avenues of the warp. The bridge was shrouded in darkness, only the myriad displays casting dim light making shadows dance across the walls and consoles. Servitors went about their duties, blank stares watching the vast nothingness, seemingly staring into the aether just outside the skin of the ship. Overseeing the bridge hunched in the command seat, a throne too massive for a mortal man, was a massive figure clad in shadowed ceramite, his face bear above the massive suit of armor, with pale skin and eyes of pure ebony. A mane of long hair hung down, with an unwashed sheen shrouding the grim features in more shadows.

“Talon Lord, we will reach our destination in fifteen minutes.” One servitor reported tunelessly, its blank face barely registering the words as cogitators whirred and buzzed around it. Reaching down a lone finger, like a claw, he pressed a button on the throne’s panel.

“First Claw, debarkation in sixteen minutes.” The Talon Lord’s voice was whisper with a razor edge. No emotion showed across his pallid features as his finger released the button. “Ready the weapons, and prep the starboard torpedo bay.” There was no need for confirmation from the various servitors, he knew his orders would be carried out.

In one of the many chambers on board Silent Shadow five figures sat idly, in the company of their ilk the immensity of their size was lost. The room had once been a briefing chamber, or perhaps a training room. Now it was just an empty husk aboard a vessel out of time. The Imperium had been berthed from the toils of this once great ship, now with a skeleton crew and barely maintained decks the renegade vessel accomplished what it could, and the occupants did what they proved well versed at; surviving. One sat polishing a finely crafted sword, emblazoned on the handle was a fist expertly etched in crimson and deep cobalt. Scrawled in great detail upon the cross piece was written ‘Totus ex ebullio gum.’ His armor was a mosaic of horror. Flayed skin was stretched across his greaves, and spikes adorned the pauldrons and vambraces with lethal intent. The figure next to him was clad more subtly, the only piece out of place with his midnight armor was a white narthecium, it stood out In stark contrast amidst the shadowed room. Clutched in his free hand was a massive maul, the length of it was etched in Nostraman runes, and the head sparked with power but showed the wear of time upon it.

By the door out of the chamber hunched another of the massive genebred warriors. He fiddled with an antiquated jump pack, adjusting the wires within. Of the five he was one of two with his helmet off, it sat upon the deck beside him a great scar slashed across its front making it appear to weep as though from some great inner pain. The warriors face was of concentration, and marred by a scar across his face into his mouth, making him appear to have a constant sneer of derision. Like the Talon Lord his face was deathly pale, with pitch black eyes. The only color given to his face was an irritated pink around the edges of the vicious scar. The other bareheaded occupant was at odds with the quiet diligence of the others. He appeared to be growling quietly, like a rumble before an earthquake. All the while his head was pressed against the bulkhead of the chamber. His hands clenched and unclenched irritably, and the tension is his body gave the impression that he could pounce violently at any moment. The man’s face, was a ruined mess of crisscrossed scarring, around his right eye had been etched a mark that his fellows knew as a symbol of the Chaos god Khorne. The final member sat quietly like his fellows, eying the agitated warrior warily. A hand protectively on the activator of his immense plasma cannon as the blank expression of his MkVII helmet looked outwards. Such fancy armor on this vessel was rare, as most were reduced to scraps.

Rising from his toiling with the jump pack, the Night Lord swung its bulk onto his back. “Get it together, Joker. Five minutes to real space.”

“Do not address me as though I were a fool, Brother Nosk.” The honorary title was thrown out more as an epithet than a sign of respect. As Joker turned from the wall a small trail of spittle made its inexorable way from the edge of his lips.

“Focus.” Hissed Brother Nox, as he stood, sheathing the powersword. “Sergeant.” He said, nodding for Nosk to continue
“Let us make our way to the boarding torpedoes. Strike with terror, in midnight clad, Ave Dominus Nox.”

“Ave Dominus Nox!” Came the unified response from the four other occupants, and in silence they departed the chamber.

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Nolo mihi libet sis multo felis.

#2 J NOSK36


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Postad 15 December 2011 - 01:37 PM

If this was facebook you would get a like haha. Great story brother nox

Fallen Emperor's Champion J NOSK36
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I am the Night!!!!!!!


#3 J0ker2610


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Postad 15 December 2011 - 04:23 PM

brilliant, absolutely brilliant
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#4 Grimaldus


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Postad 15 December 2011 - 04:54 PM

good story brother nox, waiting for the rest :P

(you can still give him a thank you Nosk).

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#5 J NOSK36


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Postad 15 December 2011 - 05:10 PM

Not on tapatalk I can't lol

Fallen Emperor's Champion J NOSK36
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I am the Night!!!!!!!


#6 Grimaldus


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Postad 15 December 2011 - 06:33 PM

Not on tapatalk I can't lol

Fallen Emperor's Champion J NOSK36

lol :D

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#7 Yapay38


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Postad 15 December 2011 - 07:13 PM

Yes fear my arm drill.

#8 Domine Nox

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Postad 15 December 2011 - 07:18 PM

Like a deadly predator Silent Shadow translated into real space. Blending in amongst the inky blackness the light given off by distant pinpricks of stars seemed to bend and twist away from the renegade’s hull as though light itself were loathe to touch the thing. Stealthily it closed on its prey. A slow moving cargo transport, emblazoned on the side of the bulky freighted was the skull and cog of the Omnissiah, marking it as a Mechanicum freighter.


On board the Dutiful Supplicant operator Channing sat at his console, and monitored the scans for anything out of place. A brief flicker of static went across the screen then returned to normal. He blinked, unsure what to make of it. Must have been nothing perhaps a solar flare in a nearby system casting off static, he thought dismissing it.

“Commander Utesh.” Called another operator on the bridge.

“What is it?” Responded the irritable commander. It was apparent to most of the crew that the commander had found this entire mission beneath his station, and had taken it out on the rest of the crew.

“We appear to have power failure on decks ten through sixteen.” Channing could hear the twinge of nervousness in the man’s voice. Utesh did not like bad news.

“Cause?” He snarled, as if daring the man to give him a reason to exact punishment.

“There does not appear to be discernable reason, Commander.”

“Well then fin-“ Utesh’s words were cut off, and his venomous look quickly changed to one of fright as the screaming started. From every vox on the bridge was the keening wail of thousands of voices crying out in torment, Channing could hear the sound reverberating around the chamber and filtering in from the halls mixing and melding with the din of pain, seeming to change the sound and give it life. The volume increased and many covered their ears, Utesh’s mouth was moving furiously and he pointed with great urgency, but Channing could only hear the screaming. A rifle butt hit him in the chest, and the screaming shifted again. It was only then that Channing realized he had been screaming too.


The boarding torpedo shook as the ancient machinery propelled it across the distance between the Silent Shadow and the Dutiful Supplicant. Yapay and Nox sat in silence, their helmets grim death masks shrouded in shadow. Baek’s pristine helm shone even in the low artificial light within the torpedo. Sergeant Nosk watched Joker carefully. Everything was part of a plan, but not everyone could be planned for. Joker’s helm had been adorned with a streak of crimson across the face, a haphazard slash.

“In midnight clad Brothers.” Sergeant Nosk said. Then came impact. The shriek of metal girders giving way and tearing under massive forces echoed about the pod. No sooner had it struck then the front blasted off into a hallway. There was only shadows and the cacophony of screams punctuated by the crack of las fire. Nox grinned behind his helmet.

“Ave Dominus Nox.” He said coldly over the vox. “Let us hunt.” With that he drew his expertly crafted powersword and bolter. Yapay adjusted his daemon maul and quickly followed, the weapons field casting disconcerting shadows along the hall. Nosk, weapons at the ready, turned down the other direction, with Baek’s plasma cannon humming behind. Joker let out a wet growl across the vox and charged off past Yapay and Nox. Sergeant Nosk cursed under his breath.

“Stick to the plan.”

“His madness may work in our favor.” Yapay chimed in. Despite the confidence in their words, the Night Lords picked up the pace as they set about their different tasks.

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Nolo mihi libet sis multo felis.

#9 Yapay38


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Postad 22 December 2011 - 03:42 AM

MORE!! Please.

#10 Talon Lord Othrim

Talon Lord Othrim

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Postad 22 December 2011 - 10:51 AM

Enjoying this immensely.
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#11 Domine Nox

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Postad 22 December 2011 - 02:43 PM

In the black emptiness of space Silent Shadow circled its wounded prey. From the bridge Talon Lord Othrim watched as the vessel drifted slowly through the void. He knew it would only be a matter of time before the Tech-Priests would find a way around the jamming signal they had put into place, but they would not have that time. Closing his ebon eyes, he imagined the chaos that must be erupting across the decks of the Dutiful Supplicant. His thin lips curved in a devious grin as he drank in the thoughts of the fool's fear.

"Let us make their doom more apparent to them." He said, softly, barely more than a whisper. The servitor's on the bridge responded immediately. Silent Shadow came about hard, effortlessly cutting through the blackness around it. There was a flash, and twin lances blazed. Silently the beams sliced into the engines of the mechanicum vessel. The already dim light of their standing by engines guttered and died out. Talon Lord Othrim motioned for the ship to come back about, and waited for word from the Claw.


The ship rocked once and warning claxons began to wail. Red strobes burst into sudden life making the darkened hallways suddenly seem to fill with running figures and casting strange shadows across the ceiling, floor and walls.

"That must be the engines." Nox said, as he withdrew his blade from a limp imperial body. The energy field had charred away some of the man's uniform and blackened the skin underneath. All around was blood and gore.

"Means we should make haste to the bridge." Came Yapay's reply. In his hand a figure, barely conscious hung limply. His head easily held in the palm of Yapay's massive hand. The man tried to say something, but his words were muffled by Yapay's palm as the man's pleading eyes stared out from between his fingers. The cries became more insistent as Yapay's hand clenched. Eye's going wide, the man's shattered body tried to fight back, tried to break free, but could not. Blood seeped first from the man's eyes, then from around Yapay's fingers, before finally the crunch of bone gave way and all was still. Ahead a door slid open.

"Looks like you have more playmates." Nox chided. His humor was quickly dismissed as a Lascannon beam shot from the sliding armored door slicing away part of his ceramite shoulderpad. Firing off three quick rounds he took cover, as Yapay did the same. From behind the door three large figures emerged. None of them truly resembled the human's they once had been. Skitarii Praetorians. Two had numerous appendages ending in various chain weapons, with autoguns in their chests, while the third was track mounted and bore down with a Lascannon, scanning for targets.

"We must be getting close." Yapay responded as autogun fire launched out in a torrent, lighting the hallway.


"I'm surprised at the light resistance." Baek commented as he and Nosk made their way down the long corridor's of the Dutiful Supplicant.

"Nox and Yapay probably have most of their attention." He responded checking his helmet's display for directions to their objective. Nosk knew that their task was the most important one, and was determined not to disappoint the Talon Lord. He had chosen Baek for his team partly due to his skills as a Havoc, but also trust in Nox and Yapay's ability to deal with the thick fighting. Baek's unnaturally cheery attitude generally put him on edge. It was unusual for a son of the Night Haunter. As if on cue Baek began to hum a child's lullaby quietly. Nosk chose to ignore it. He wasn't entirely sure, but the tune seemed to carry down the halls. As if it had a life of its own, or were being taken up by the ship itself. Nosk called a halt at a massive set of armored doors.

Without speaking, Nosk pulled three krak grenades, and set them at the foot of the door. Moving aside he waited. There was a blast and the scream of tearing metal as the grenades tore the door to scrap. Before the dust had even begun to settle, Baek's Plasma Cannon began to hum louder, the chamber flaring to incredible brilliance as he moved to the door, and using the sounds of coughing and pain for aim unleashed a ball of superheated plasma. The energy ball seared the bulkhead in its passing, and sizzled as it scorched the very air. Upon impact their was a flash, and an explosion of light and heat, unfelt by the Astartes attackers. Then the backflash as the air rushed in to fill the burnt void.

When Nosk charged in, powersword and bolt pistol at the ready the room was a ruin. Metal furnishings had been melted down to slag, the only evidence that any living things had been inside were the shadows burnt into the walls of men states of panic, fear and pain.

"Well done, brother." Nosk said advacing to the far end of the chamber, towards where the remains of another door had been. The keypad was a ruin of circuitry and metal. Motioning to the door he turned to Baek. "Open it." Baek started his lullaby back up as he hefted his Plasma Cannon once more.


Joker didn't know how long he'd been running. Only that it had felt good. He wasn't even sure where he was anymore. There had been visions, good visions. Blood, fire, death and battle. He looked around, and there were bodies strewn about about him, the carnage seemed to continue on down one of the halls. He surmised that he had come from that way. Shaking his head he tried to think back. They had a plan, what was the plan. Thoughts of order and his memory began to fade in and out. There was a rage. He could remember the rage. Driving him on, pushing him forward. Was it madness? No, no it could not be madness. He was a son of the Night Haunter. The only darkness that could touch him was the power of fear. Fear. The word was savory in his mouth. Sudden movement caught his attention, one was alive. Pulling off his helmet he stalked over to the figure trying to claw away across the gore covered floor. His fingers leaving black lines in the crimson sea. Effortlessly Joker lifted him from the ground, and held him up to eye level.

"What do you hope to do, little man?" Joker asked, his voice a low inhuman growl. "Where do you hope to go?"

"Death to traitors!" The man shouted and his hand shot out with a jagged piece of metal. The makeshift weapon stabbed hard into Joker's cheek. Joker did not move at first, then began to laugh. In his hand's the man's defiant look turned to one of absolute terror as the massive figure holding him aloft laughed at his attack. Blood ran down Joker's cheek, then stopped as his physiology worked to stop the bleeding. Running his tongue out he tasted it. His laugh turned dark, and feral. Then without warning his head shot forward, and he ripped the man's jugular out with his teeth, letting the victim's life blood drain out over his hand and onto the floor.

"Blood for the Blood God!" He roared.

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Nolo mihi libet sis multo felis.

#12 J0ker2610


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Postad 22 December 2011 - 03:08 PM

Nox they just keep getting better and better mate, oh and im not that blood thirsty but i like it :D
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#13 Yapay38


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Postad 22 December 2011 - 03:29 PM

There's little to say but I believe I say it for all (us Night Lords mostly) that this is greatness and must be continued post haste.

#14 J NOSK36


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Postad 22 December 2011 - 06:18 PM

These are amazing!

Fallen Emperor's Champion J NOSK36
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I am the Night!!!!!!!


#15 Domine Nox

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Postad 23 December 2011 - 07:17 PM

The metal slag that used to be an imperial armored door blasted to pieces. Beyond the door was all darkness, but to the specialized eyes of the Night Lords easily pierced the gloom. Myriad armored figures stood at attention in the shadows. Nosk turned to Baek and grinned. As they strode past the ruined entryway the automated lights flared into life, row by row illuminating what lay inside. Standing immobile, revealed by the artificial luminators, were row upon row of Astartes Mk VIII Power Armor painted in the fashion of the Imperial Fists.

"The prize is ours." Nosk said over the vox.

"Confirmed." Othrim replied. "No word from the other team, continue on schedule."

"Understood." Nosk responded. Turning to Baek he held out his hand. Silently Baek removed a device from his armor. It was a teleport beacon. Heading into the chamber past several rows of armor Nosk went to work setting up the beacon. When he was satisfied he voxed back.

"Initiate transport in five." He reported. "Baek, you travel with the cargo."

"Understood." So saying he lowered his Plasma Cannon and moved onto the beacon. "See you back aboard." The two Night Lords saluted each other, fists pounded against their chests.

Nosk stepped out of the beacon's radius and watched as there came the flash of energy, his helmet shielding his Nostramo eyes from the retina searing light of the teleporters energies. When the flash was gone Baek, and four rows of Imperial Fist power armor were gone.

"Now to the next task." He muttered, wondering what was delaying the others.


Another Lascannon blast tore through the air above Nox's head. Quickly he raised his head, and fired off three bolter rounds. The heavy explosive shells struck true slamming into the Skitarii's body, but blasted seemingly harmlessly.

"We may have to get our hands dirty." Nox commented over to Yapay. That seemed to be all the incentive the other Astartes needed, as wordlessly Yapay broke from cover. With the sound of churning flames Yapay was carried forward at incredible speed, his jet back surging to life and turning him into an unstoppable force. Not to miss an opportunity Nox charged in after him, power sword flaring to life.

Yapay's first swing with the daemon maul shattered two arms of one Skitarii, but the other arms swung in heedless of the damage that had been wrought. Chainblades whirred and bit at Yapay's armor, the strength sending him off balance. Nox tried to close with the tracked Lasconnon Praetorian, but the other mutlilimbed thing barred his way. Its attacks were clumsy, but strong and great in number. Deftly he parried the chain weapons looking for an opening to strike.

Yapay's daemon maul was proving a hindrance against the Skitarii, it was too slow to bring to bear. Each mighty swing was blocked by the myriad chainweapons the mechanicum thing could bring to bear. Yapay's armor was preventing it from doing him any harm, each hit it scored Yapay would turn away turning it to glancing blows. The urgency of the situation became clear as he spotted the Lascannon attempting to take aim.

Nox knew he was a capable swordsman, but there were too many arms to keep up with. He had kept the Praetorian from landing a blow, but could not manage a riposte. Perhaps he was going about it all wrong. After a parry he quickly readjusted his grip on the power sword and dove headlong forward. Chainblades ripped at him from all sides, he heard them sc*CENSORED* ceramite, and bite flesh. But the force of his leap carried him forward and drove the finely etched blade through the mechanical soldier's chest and out its back. A mixture of blood and amniotic fluid spilled out and onto the ground. That was when he heard the roar.

Yapay swung his daemon maul, and as the blow was parried he let go. Then grabbed the limbs of the Skitarii as it tried to respond, flaring his jet pack into life both Yapay and his opponent hurtled forward towards the tracked Praetorian. Roaring aloud with the effort of hauling the augmented soldier forward the three figures careened into each other, then slammed into the bulkhead. Wrenching himself free, Yapay turned on his Narthecium and began to punch at the entangled forms again and again. The chainblade and spike tearing through flesh and sparking off metal. Gradually he took a breath, and stood. The white on his vambrace caked in bodily fluids and industrial lubricants.

"We need to hurry." Nox said, his armor chipped in places, and stained with blood where the armor had not held.

"Looks like we both could use some practice." Yapay responded, letting his blood cool. Nox gave a quiet chuckle as they both continued towards the bridge.


"Brothers." Joker said into the vox. He wasn't sure if it was actually to seek them, or simply to reaffirm himself.

"Joker. Where are you?" The voice. Joker knew that voice. Or did he only think he knew that voice? He shook his head.

"I don't know, wait." Saying so he paused. Amidst the vague memories of blood and blackness he remembered numbers, and stairs. "Third deck, forward section, astronavigation."

"Excellent. Then head to the ship's astropath." There was a pause. "Can you keep it together? We are on a time table, and Nox and Yapay are behind. Stick to the plan."

"Yes. The plan." He closed his eyes, and fought back the sense of anger and rage. Reaching for his weapons he saw that they were gone. When had he lost them? There was no telling, his armor was slick with blood, and his helmet was lost. "Control. Must get control." He said to himself as he made for the astropath's chambers. He would show them.

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Nolo mihi libet sis multo felis.

#16 J0ker2610


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Postad 23 December 2011 - 07:35 PM

This is turning into a really in depth story line, and once again you keep getting better amazing is all I can say
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#17 Yapay38


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Postad 23 December 2011 - 07:46 PM

yes, Yes YES!! As always love it. Joker and I were in a party on Live when your update came. It got really quiet really fast. Lol.

#18 Yapay38


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Postad 23 December 2011 - 11:00 PM

Now only 94,990 pages to go!

#19 Talon Lord Othrim

Talon Lord Othrim

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Postad 24 December 2011 - 02:26 PM

Well I have been compiling all these on a word doc. 7 pages and 3,648 words long so far. and have to say a damn great read.
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#20 Domine Nox

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Postad 24 December 2011 - 05:59 PM

The bridge was frantic as Commander Utesh desperately shouted orders. Most of the bridge crew had been sent out on various tasks, so far there had been no reports, and none had returned. The faces of the crew still present showed their terror. A precise strike had disable the engines, but there had been no reading on the source; perhaps Dark Eldar raiders? He shuddered at the thought of those sadistic xenos aboard his ship and what might become of him. He had heard the tales of them keeping prisoners alive for years in pain.

Looking down at the data slate on his command console there were more reports of power failures, communications were jammed, and the intership vox system was still streaming that interminable scream.

"Emperor deliver me." He said in hushed tones.

"Commander, there was a significant power fluctuation in the cargo bay." One deck officer reported from up forward. Utesh could not recognize the man's voice over the din. Cargo? Typing in his clearance codes he accessed the manifest. Weapons, ammunition, and... He paused, there was a last item, but it was sealed even to his access. Could that be what they were after? Standing he motioned to two of the officers.

"You two, grab lasguns, we're going to find Tech Adept Malikon and have a chat." The two men snapped to attention and grabbed weapons from a locker on the bridge. It brought a measure of relief to the captain to see the men's training overriding the fear. Putting a hand on his family sword he headed to the door, and reached out to the panel. Before his hand could touch the pad the door slid open.

"Out of the w-" His words caught in his throat. Utesh had expected to see men returning with news about the ship. Instead his eyes starred at massive chests encased in battered and scarred Space Marine Power Armor. Their aquila's scarred and defaced on a field of midnight blue. Feeling his jaw fall slack he craned his neck upwards. Masks of death stared past him.

He turned to run back inside, but heard the deafening rapport of high caliber gunfire. There was a sensation of flying, tumbling end over end. When the feeling was over he saw a bloody mess lying a few feet away at the feet of the massive warriors, then all was black.


"Brother Sergaent, the bridge is secure." came in through Nosk's helmet.

"I had started to think that the imperial dogs were too much for you. Is Nox with you?" Nosk replied steadily keeping his pace, bolt pistol held at the ready, tracking for any signs of movement.

"Negative. He's headed on to the astopath, as per orders."

Nosk nodded. It was probably just as well that Joker had backup, incase one of his rages interfered. "Understood, carry on. Ave Dominus Nox."

The hall Nosk was headed down branched up ahead, and he slowed his pace. Baek had been right that there had been light resistance. No doubt largely due to Joker's uncontrolled fury tearing through their ship. He knew that could not last however.

As if on cue lasgun shots fired out from seemingly nowhere. The red beams seared his armor and curled the paint. Quickly Nosk fired off two shots in the direction it had come, hearing the rounds impact on the metal bulkhead. He made no sudden movements, just watched as he slowly advanced. Again lasgun shots cracked, landing glancing hits. Their barrels were just visible sticking out of holes in solid bulkhead. He mused at the apparent safety of their defensive position. Reaching behind him he fired off two more rounds, and as the bright flash filled the dark halls he tossed a krak grenade. Stepping aside he could hear them shouting at their lost target, and debating what to do.

Then the grenade tore a hole in the steel wall. Charging ahead Nosk kicked over some of the remaining warped metal frame, hearing it shriek as it bent. Hand outstretched he saw the chaos inside, and unleashed a torrent of rounds. Men were reduced to viscera and blood as the massive bolt rounds blew them apart on impact. Ducking to step into the alcove he searched for any other survivors. Turning he heard a whimper, and moved back, tracking the noise. Easily tossing aside ammo crates as if they were sheaves of paper he saw a single guardsman curled up in the fetal position. The blood of his compatriots was spattered upon his skin and uniform. Nosk reached out and grabbed the man who began to flail furiously in his massive grip.

"No! No!" The soldier screamed.

Bringing him close to his helmeted face Nosk spoke. "Run along little man. Tell the others. Tell them we have come for you." With that he tossed the man solidly at the wall, hearing the wind escape his lungs. So doing, Nosk then forced his way back into the hall and continued towards his objective.


Idly Joker had taken to gnawing on his lip as he made his way through the halls towards the astropaths chambers. It was calming. It was focusing. As he neared a corner he heard muttered voices, and peered around the bend. There were two figures, not standard guardsmen, standing guard outside a solid keycoded door. Both were in carapace armor, with heavy overcoats. They each were carrying plasma guns. Stepping back from the corner he breathed deeply. It was perhaps sixty feet to the men, they looked well trained. They would get shots off. Steeling himself Joker tore around the corner at full speed.

His power armored steps pounding into the deck, causing reverberations down the hall. Both men readied their guns, steadying them and beginning to charge the packs. Halfway there Joker could see their eyes, steeled and focused. These would be worthy foes then those he had fought to get here. A blast of superheated plasma slammed into his shoulder melting ceramite armor and filling the air with the smell of ozone. The second blast took him in the chest. He felt the searing heat and pain tear through his body. Joker roared over the pain.

The men prepared for a second shot, but Joker was on them then. His momentum slammed him into the first. There was the sound of crunching bone and the figure slumped to the floor. Joker stepped away from him, to see the second man fire off a third plasma shot. Trying to duck aside the blast just missed searing by Joker's face. His roar of pain and anger continued on as he threw himself at the second man. All memories of the skills taught him by the Night Lords falling away as he mindless rage drove him on.

The guard tried to spin away, but Joker grabbed his arm, spinning him back. The man's free hand shot out with a combat knife, but Joker's other hand grabbed the incoming wrist. Then with a power armored foot Joker stomped down on the man's knee, shattering the bones in his leg. The soldier screamed in pain as tear filled his eyes. He tried to pull away, but Joker's grip was unbrakeable.

"I will show you pain." Joker growled through the roar.

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