A life of fear - Barron
Posted 09 August 2020 - 04:25 AM
All of this worsened the night an odd creature attacked the compound. With a body like quicksilver, the beast shredded through the small estate like a blender of fury , stopping only when enough ordnance to put down a flesh heap had been pumped into it.
The two sons, the quiet and responsible Hoshio uganata, and the brash and excitable tensai unganata made the mistake of getting close to a beast in its death throes.
Hoshio could remember their fathers words before he died of an over dose, a dead wolf can still bite.... he had never understood the importance of those words u top that dreaded beast impales him and his brother..... crawling over them to consume them.....
They awake several hours later in a daze...... Hoshio looks at his hands and sees he is in some living bodysuit, looking much like some kind of corny alien from some kind of manga.
“ tensai.......”
The older brother says as he looks for any trace of his brother .
“ tensai where are you.....”
( barren in tensai....)
Posted 09 August 2020 - 06:26 AM
Barron coughed first before he was even fully conscious, his mouth feeling dry and body aching. "Here, I guess?" He called back as he rubbed his eyes. With the unexplainable way his hands felt he had to look down to see what was going on, his own body covered in a suit of living flesh similar to his brother though his was a crimson hue compared to Hoshio. "Oh....so that did happen." He said quietly as the memories of what happened before getting impaled came rushing back. "....Are we the only ones left?"
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Posted 12 August 2020 - 09:58 PM
Somehow you can sense a lot of people coming... armed...... violent intent.
“ we need... to go.”
Hoshio says with a grunt as he holds his face, looking into the water to see a feral wolf like visage with blueish eyes.
“ we got to go.... if it’s arbiters ... especially the one with the magnets we’re dead... we have to get somewhere to think..”
Posted 15 August 2020 - 07:44 PM
Barron tries to stand up to leave with Hoshio but could feel his limbs turn to jelly in feeling at first and then almost literally when he saw them almost unable to keep their shape. The boy felt like he had to will himself to stay together in order to move normally. "W-what about our cousin's place? I don't know where else and I'm not feeling good at all." He suggested while pointing to his arm that seemed to change on its own for emphasis.
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Posted 19 August 2020 - 03:29 AM
Kamui? he is one of them arbiters......I think his dad will take us.."
The gray figure puts a reassuring hand on his brothers hsoiulder and he moves to the back.....but a loud gunshot stops him.
in front of him are at least a dozen arbites, their bodies in the carapace of the pdf and all brandishing batons.
"YOu two...Give up and put up your hands..."
The nise makes the thing...mad...Enrages it as it begins to roil beneath the synthjetic skin like a boiling pot.
"What...the fuck.."
Hoshio grunts.
'what is it.."
Posted 19 August 2020 - 06:03 AM
"I think a lot more people are going to die again if we don't go, NOW." Barron whispered as an answer to Hoshio, the boy torn between wanting to run away with his brother or watch and see what the grey thing was going to do to the Arbite cops. But if they wanted to be safe, they needed to get the heck out of here instead and he therefore started tugging his brother's armor to get him to start moving, hoping the Arbites only have batons and no guns.
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Posted 26 August 2020 - 01:29 PM
the suits arm explodes outward as if it where made of something other than flesh, impopssibly long and it forms itself into a large ....drill? Hoshio watches in shock and awe as the drill begins to spin and impales the arbite easily, spinning him in the air with the rotation of the drill.
Hoshio says nervously as Barrons own suit begins to roil in agression, not liking the way one of the guards rushes forward, trying to grab him toforce him to the ground
Posted 27 August 2020 - 09:12 PM
Barron did not hesitate when he saw other Arbites going to tackle his brother, leaping at them like a wild animal with his former fingers forming into razor like talons. There wasn't much thought going on in Barron's mind, as if a switch was hit and his new 'skin' encouraged this, either way any fear or want to run earlier was gun and only a need for violence remained.
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Posted 09 September 2020 - 02:49 AM
thew suits move in blurs, where hoshipo strikes wide, barron cuts in. When barron cleaves wide, hoshio dances between the swings.
soon enough the group is dead and hoship stands there, covered in blood and looking around.
"what....what did we just do."
he asks in shock, the realization of the sentence that will be xdropped on them if they are caught.
"WHat..what are these things.."
Posted 09 September 2020 - 05:58 AM
Barron seemed to have the opposite reaction etched on his face, or at least the face this new had given to him when it moved up and over his head, a huge black grin as the boy rode a on a feeling that he couldn't pin down. Though the smile and the feeling began to fade away when Hoshio spoke up and he snapped back to reality for the moment. "Come on." he said pushing his older brother now. "We definitely can't stay here now, lets go to Kamui's, or his dad's place already. We can think later." he encouraged Hoshio, his voice not sharing any of the same shock as his brother's.
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Posted 20 September 2020 - 12:32 AM
The first is the cujo, a stout man with a powerful build that wore a traditional samurai armor in public. His face is a porcelain mask unmarked and pristine. He lifts it to sip tea as he speaks to a taller man who turns his head to look as you enter .
This man makes your suits boil, he is huge and wears a traditional yakuza getup. All black with obcioud metal plates under the fabric. On his back is the kanji for poison , and his face is obscured by a metal rebreather mask.
“ you two....... it’s been weeks are you both ok?”
Kamui breathes.
“ the fuck are you wearing?”
The suits roil and a blind rage dogs your vision driving you to attack.
Posted 22 September 2020 - 04:16 AM
Barron had to practically wrap himself up with his own arms and bite his own lips to hold back the anger he felt that wasn't his own. "Nnnnope and we're not wearing it, we're...I don't know infected? Bonded? A lot happened and very little we understand you know?" Barron tried to laugh but it only came out as a nervous manic one. "TL:DR, weird thing busted into our place, killed everyone but died and knocked us out, wake up to this and then we killed a whole bunch of arbitors that showed up. And now we're here!" The boy summarized very crudely.
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
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Posted 25 September 2020 - 02:01 PM
it happens impossibly fast, fast enough that even the suit didnt sense it, but you feel something wrap around your ankle and hoshio yelps as you are hoisted off your feet. What happens next is something out of a comic book. A little girl in a gothic lolita dress, sucking on a lollipop proceeds to beat and bash you into the ground over and over with two long tentacles until the beasts in the suit retreat completely as if cowerd.
"Well...>Two outsiders.......Neat."
googy says as both the cujo and his son stare in awe.
'Googy....What..what the fuck."
kamui says as hoshio groans in pain, having landed in the pond.
'Sall good.."
Posted 27 September 2020 - 03:54 AM
Barron had to peel himself off of a tree that he was smashed against repeatedly, though he did notice he wasn't covered in red anymore and that his limbs were normal rigid now. "Thanks cousin Googey." the boy groaned as he struggled to get up. On the bright side, he didn't feel that anger he felt that seemed to be directed at Kamui. "So....can we crash here? Please?" he asked, continuing off from explaining what had happened and why they were there to begin with. "Wait, what's an outsider?"
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
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Posted 02 October 2020 - 06:12 PM
“ a being from another place....... not the place I come from... or better said my power...... they come from another void.... the infinity yawn of.”
She looks up at the clouds.
“ that ocean of lights....... the reason they hate big brother is because power like his is used to hunt them.”
Posted 03 October 2020 - 04:35 AM
"So, that explains the anger earlier. But that means the grey thing that attacked our place was an outsider. Wonder why though." Barron asked as he rubbed his nose from being batted with an umbrella. "Do I even want to know how Kamui's power works on them since I'm currently wearing one? It seems rather testy about all of this."
Burning, Stabbing, Devouring, Changing, Resurrecting and creating in Sanctuary
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Posted 10 October 2020 - 01:45 AM
that thing exists by eating .... "
googy says calmly as she looks at barron.
"Even now...Most of waht made you you is being eaten...cell by cell and assimilated into that thing.. Kamui is the inverse of that."
the coated warrior holds his hand over a candle and the candle begins to visibly break down, as if rapidly aging in front of them.
"ANd who knows....why not ask them nicely."
googy comes over and a pink tentacle comes from under her parasol and grabs zeros symbiote, the creature letting out an audible screech as she chuckles.
"Let us ask.."
the being inside barron almost audibly yelps like a wounded animal.
"Stop it! stop it and ill explain to the spawn of azazoth!"
Posted 12 October 2020 - 11:23 PM
"Ow! That's loud! It said it'll explain just stop and now I'd like for you to stop so it'll stop yelling in my ear!" Barron almost shouted while covering up an ear that felt like where the voice was coming from, of course it not working since it was inside his head but there wasn't much else he could do between all of t his. All he wanted to do today was just sleep in and maybe play videogames but nooooo.
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Posted 14 October 2020 - 03:44 PM
“ I’ll talk spawn of azzazoth... please let my sibling be.”
Zeros symbiote makes a similar growth as it speaks as well.
“ we are fleeing predators...... we found a place they wouldn’t come to and got a little eager finding hosts.”
The blob looks at googy who smiles.
“ see....... so polite.”
Posted 18 October 2020 - 05:49 PM
"Wait, fleeing what exactly?" Barron asked, catching on the reason why there were here in the first place. Barron poked the new face on his chest, seeing if he could feel it still despite it being the red flesh of the thing, with how it was explained so far he and it are probably the same being now if 'assimilation' was used right earlier.
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