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Imperial Guard RP

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#1 Grimaldus


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Posted 21 March 2012 - 03:12 AM

Well brothers im going to run a very simple RP to try out as a GM (i said simple not boring keep that in mind)

In this RP you will be playing as Imperial Guard but not just any Imperial guard, but the very best, the elite of the elite, in other words (using Nox words to be precise) you will be playing the hollywood members (bruce willis, sylvester stallone, jason statham) of the Imperial guard

this is going to be a team of 5, maybe 6.

those that wish to participate send me a PM (in the PM send me your character info, thanks)

NOTE: im going to use othrim dice method here, you will role your dice (command) and i will role the enemy dice.
When i have a team ready, im going to post the team with all the info. once that is done i will let you know your mission.

you can be any kind of Imperial guard member (tech priest, imperial cult priest, ogrynn, storm trooper, medic, etc) just send me what you wish to be and i will tell you if it is ok or not.

NOTE 2: the regiment of your character is of your chosing, you can pick anything you want. example "117th cadian regiment", "death world of krieg" , "armaggedon steel legion" "tallarn desert rangers", "praetorians".
remember the character is of your chosing and creation

im going to make this clear, first this is not a funny RP, this is a serious one.
second you need to send me in the PM your character info

this is a example of that (Thanks Nox for the character info)

Name - Reginald "Snarky" Snackerson
Regiment - XXIV Praetorian Guard
Class - Praetorian Guard Trooper
Description/Backstory - Reginald was proud to be a member of the Praetorian Guard. They stood for everything the Imperium exemplified. Praetorians were stalwart, courageous, and bastions of Imperial truth. Reginald however did not really measure up to those high ideals. He quickly got the nickname "Snarky" for his propensity for a snide remark at his fellows. Despite his failings in discipline, Reginald had no shortage of courage and ability. In his regiment he is one of the top shots, often touting his prowess on and off the battlefield. Reginald is also an accomplished swordsman, though he favors keeping people at a distance. The most stand out trait Reginald possessed that truly set him apart from his fellow Praetorians is his attitude. Most of those above him would say it is a detrimental attitude, and would see him not infect the iron discipline of the regiment. But those that have served with him in the trenches applaud his quick thinking, and the way he adapts to a situation. Reginald also has a knack for talking people into and out of things. His sergeant once told him that with his nerve and skill he should be interred with the Adeptus Astartes. Reginald's reply was "Nah it would never do. I'd show them all up, and they wouldn't augment my best features."

try to use the template please.

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#2 Grimaldus


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Posted 05 April 2012 - 08:41 PM

Character archive

Note: characters backstories are inside the spoiler

Player - Fenirs
Name - Fenirs (reise) Calmoa
Regiment - Death corps of krieg
Class - Death corps luiteneant
Description/Backstory -

Player - Armoured Priest
Name - Alfred Rictofen
Regiment - Death korps of krieg 88th regiment
Class - Death korps medic
Description/Backstory -

Player - Baek
Name - Sgt Ranta
Regiment - Catachan Jungle Fighters
Class - Scout Sergeant.
Description/Backstory -

Player - White
Name - Sal Bandino
Regiment - Catachan 12th
Class - Scout
Description/Backstory -

Player - Romulus Sorvian
Name - Remus Sorvian
Regiment - XXII Death Korps of Krieg
Class - Tech Priest
Description/Backstory -

Player - ElfinAssasin
Name - Seth "sure shot" Rothmas
Regiment - Cadian 5th
Class - Storm trooper
Description/Backstory -

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#3 Grimaldus


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Posted 06 April 2012 - 05:13 PM

You enter the command room and stood next to the other guardsmen that you see. at the other side of the command table you see a imperial navy officer, an admiral most likely and next to him a Imperial Guard General

"Well lads" said the General, breaking the silence in the room, "I know that none of you knows why were your told to come here, so let me explain" the general press a button in the table and a holografic image of a system appear, later to zoom to one of the planets. "As you know Imperial forces are approching the planet Anzuta. The planet Govenor revolt against Imperial Rule, we suspect chaos forces are involved"

The imperial admiral step in, "The planet orbital defences are extraordinary to say the least" he wait for a couple of seconds to speak again "but there is a weakness in their defences, small enough for a team to enter the planet and destroy their defences, clearing the way for the Imperial forces to reclaim the planet"

The general point at you "you are the team, you were selected because you are the best we have available. you will have a small window to enter the planet undetected. once in the planet you will be alone. you can either go dress in your combat ready or hide yourselves with civilians clothes. you will be drop with tauros for eay mobility"

"the Armory is open for you to tkae what you need, Any questions lads?" said the Admiral

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#4 Thugren


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Posted 06 April 2012 - 05:16 PM

Removing his gasmask out of respect fenirs looks at his commanding officer* who will be leading g us Into combat lord

sent from my couch


#5 Grimaldus


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Posted 06 April 2012 - 05:18 PM

"the decision is yours, but i believe you can do a fine job lieutenant" said the General

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#6 ElfinAssasin


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Posted 06 April 2012 - 06:29 PM

"sir what is the climate and terrain of the planet? sir." asks rothmos as he looks at the hologram.

#7 Armoured Priest

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Posted 06 April 2012 - 06:29 PM

Dr. Richtofen stood attentively as he listen to the briefing. His pitch black trenchcoat was button closed, concealing his holstered bolt pistols he always carries with him. The gasmask he wore had a white skull plate attached to the front with red lenses giving him a visage of some dreaded spectre. Stamped on his black helmet was the red helix, marking him as a medic. He had a dark metal case strapped on his back along with the normal pack every Kriegsmen was issued.
"How shall we deactivate the systems?" he asked

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#8 Brother White

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Posted 06 April 2012 - 06:50 PM

Bandino steps forward "General, what are the enemies numbers."
With his blades shining in the dull light of the command center.
"We shall lead as a team, majority rules?" He asks the group as a whole.

Sent from The Righteous Truth, Battle Barge of the Third

#9 Grimaldus


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Posted 06 April 2012 - 07:20 PM

after hearing the team question the general speak once more, "you will be drop in a jungle, near a enemy base, expect heavy rain and dense forest. the entire PDF have revolt along with the civilian population, we dont really know their numbers. your target will be the communication array and the orbital defence control tower, if a oppotunity present itself were you can destroy the base fuel depot and armory or kill the enemy leader it will help the invasion, but that is a secondary objective, your main target is the communication array the orbital defence tower, how you deal with the targets is your decision"

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#10 ElfinAssasin


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Posted 07 April 2012 - 05:45 AM

"thank you, no more questions sir"

#11 Romulus_Sorvian


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Posted 07 April 2012 - 05:54 AM

Remus stood quietly as he listened to the brief and the questions of the others be answered, his mechadendrites seeming to look at each as they spoke while the large servo-arm hung still over his right shoulder.

He studied the Holo closely threw his skull gas mask, scanning it and recording somethings threw use of the mask itself. After a moment he looked to the general and spoke in a rough tone.

"You want it destroyed? Would it be possible to turn this defense system against the planet?" he said calmly.
"Do Ut Des." - Roman Prayer

#12 Grimaldus


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Posted 07 April 2012 - 04:27 PM

"how you deal with the target is your choosing, if you can turn their weapons against that will help the invasion, but all we need is the defences down or that their guns point to them and not us" said the General

"If you have any more question the general can answer them, i have to go to the brige and help with the fleet preparatiosn" said the Admiral "
General" said the Admiral as he nod his head in respect to the general

"Admiral" said the General making the same sign of respect to the admiral

"your transport will leave in 3 hours, get to the armory and get anything you need" with that said the general took his leave as well

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#13 Armoured Priest

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Posted 07 April 2012 - 05:00 PM

"May I requistion items from the medical bay as well sir?" asked Richtofen.

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#14 Brother White

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Posted 07 April 2012 - 05:04 PM

Sal nodded and began walking to the armory.

Sent from The Righteous Truth, Battle Barge of the Third

#15 Grimaldus


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Posted 07 April 2012 - 05:05 PM

"take what you need doctor" said the General just as he was to pass through the doors of the room

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#16 Thugren


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Posted 07 April 2012 - 05:48 PM

Silently he walks to the armory and fills his pack with fresh cells and supplies,* this should be fun.....las pistol..check....sniping rifle...check...lashing grenades and bowie...check

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#17 ElfinAssasin


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Posted 07 April 2012 - 07:15 PM

rothmos salutes both commanding officers before heading to the armory. grabbing a camo cloak, sniper rifle, frag grenades, and a melta charge. then heads back to his room to grab his trusty modified hot-shot las pistol givin to him after the snik toof campaign when he saved a tech priest from a Nob with a few well placed pistol shots. the grabs his survival gear. "crewman alert me when it is time to leave i will be on the training deck" he says to a passing personal.

#18 Romulus_Sorvian


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Posted 07 April 2012 - 07:20 PM

Remus listened before nodding and turning to talk out and to the armory using his axe as a sort of cain as he walks with a slight limp las pistol holstered at his hip.

Once at the Armory he watches the others closely, his mechadendrites again seeming to move between each watching as well as if to make sure none got out of line.

While he waited he pondered ways to turn the planetary defenses on the rebels going over the recordings he took again behind his mask as he placed his helmet securely, shifting his Krieg style pack slightly as it moved his servo arm finally twitched to life a moment as if startled then sat still once again.
"Do Ut Des." - Roman Prayer

#19 Armoured Priest

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Posted 07 April 2012 - 07:28 PM

"Thank you sir." He made his way to the medical bay already forming a list of supplies he needs. "Yes, yes. um hum Yes I know I need a few of those." He said aloud. Passing personal stared at the Kriegsman as he carried out a conversation with apparently no one.

He entered the medical bay and began gathering items. "Bandages, painkillers, disinfectant, couagulant, sutchers," He began listing as he added them to his medkit bag.

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#20 Romulus_Sorvian


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Posted 07 April 2012 - 07:44 PM

A few moments later as he waited he turned to walk off but was stoped as a servo skull floated up to him.

"There you are." he said as his mechadendrites moved near the servo skull, all three focused on it as if scanning it.

"Took you long enough." he said in a rough tone, though the slightest hint of a joke could be caught if one was listening. After a moment the mechadendrites moved away from the skull and it floated up and held its position above his left shoulder.

He then turned back to the armory and watched the others again quietly.
"Do Ut Des." - Roman Prayer

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