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Walk in the dark _ Snuggles beginning

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#1 Thugren


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Posted 02 September 2012 - 06:45 PM

YOu stand, the combat roars around you as you manage to get your feet. YOur platoon was ambushed by the undead, but your ccommander, KRieg yanks you to your feet

Get the fuck up!

Krieg, division commander of ho siht, expert hunter , and leader of the shadow company,draws a massive ghoul bone flamberg and hefts it expertly in one hand, cutting the ghouls in half.


#2 Mister Snugles

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Posted 03 September 2012 - 02:58 AM

Warric stands up taking out his own blade swinging it into the nearest ghoul while shouting "form firing squads you bastards they got us by the short and curllys!!!" Waric than continues to hiss his profanity as he swings his blade into undead flesh while standing back to back with his superior.
1d100 rolled for a total of: 18 (18)
1d100 rolled for a total of: 93 (93)
STRWyverne68, Glorified Meatshield In The Gothic Wars Since Jul 2012.

"In the dark all men are equal, except for those who embrace it."

#3 Thugren


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Posted 03 September 2012 - 03:18 AM

When you want to perform an attack, investigate, loot, or try to convince any npc you need to roll snuggles

For example

You can attack but I will decide any damage etc

The command is ./ roll 1d100

With no space between the / and roll and no.

I'll let it slide tho

The reeling silencers all form up in lines as the undead push your lines but kriegs simple presence seems to take power from their attacks as he hefts the ghoul bone great sword with terrifying strength

There is a terrifying roar as a massive bear like ghoul flips I've one of the wrecked apps of the convoy and let's out a tremendous roar


#4 Mister Snugles

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Posted 03 September 2012 - 04:05 AM

Warric decides now would be a good time to put a round through the skull of the massive bear ghoul he plants his blade in the ground, readies his M16, and waits for the command.

*hehe yeah sorry should have been more specific with those rolls the firsts was for the shouted command the second was for the attack*
STRWyverne68, Glorified Meatshield In The Gothic Wars Since Jul 2012.

"In the dark all men are equal, except for those who embrace it."

#5 Thugren


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Posted 03 September 2012 - 04:13 PM

Kriegs sword seems to howl an unholy song as it slices through the ghouls and sends them rolling back into their friends in a tangle of limbs.

Kill the fucking thing what ate you waiting for!

Krieg shouts as he dispatches a predator with a ferocious backswing


#6 Mister Snugles

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Posted 03 September 2012 - 10:07 PM

"OPEN FIRE!!!" Warric yells at the rest of the platoon, then aims at the head of the massive beast and lets loose with his rifle
.1d100 rolled for a total of: 52 (52)
STRWyverne68, Glorified Meatshield In The Gothic Wars Since Jul 2012.

"In the dark all men are equal, except for those who embrace it."

#7 Thugren


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Posted 04 September 2012 - 04:43 PM

The beasts head is sheared open by the shot, half of its face blasted open exposing black an rotted brains as the beast roars and lashes out, slashing acros your chest and hurling you back faint a tree trunk hard


#8 Mister Snugles

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Posted 04 September 2012 - 09:13 PM

Warric does his best to regain his feet and remain conciouse to weak to climb the tree he opens fire on the beast .1d100 rolled for a total of: 54 (54)
STRWyverne68, Glorified Meatshield In The Gothic Wars Since Jul 2012.

"In the dark all men are equal, except for those who embrace it."

#9 Thugren


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Posted 04 September 2012 - 09:53 PM

Your shots hit the beasts side hard and it charges

Time seems to slow down as death barrels down on your rears back and...


Krieg stands between you and the beast and you see his blade flash .

Th beasts body slumps a it's head lands beside you, snapping and snarling

Godamnit warrick!

Krieg growls taking you onto his shoulder

You're not dying here!


#10 Mister Snugles

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Posted 05 September 2012 - 04:22 AM

Warric tries to stay conciouse but loss of blood makes him feel faint, he then realizes how truly fucked he is, "commander.... dont worry about... me, get the lads out of here." he inspects his ribs to see how many are broken.
trying to remain conciouse .1d100 rolled for a total of: 9 (9)
STRWyverne68, Glorified Meatshield In The Gothic Wars Since Jul 2012.

"In the dark all men are equal, except for those who embrace it."

#11 Thugren


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Posted 05 September 2012 - 06:52 PM

You slump and your vision fades away as darkness closes in on your mind.

You vaguely remember krieg lifting you and dragging you into the last apc, he slams the door shut and the apc rumbles forward.

In your dreams something speaks to you a deep and resonant voice as old as the stones of the earth

Awaken warrick


#12 Mister Snugles

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Posted 05 September 2012 - 10:22 PM

Warric wakes up growling gnashing his teeth and enraged.... looks around but cant remember how he got there, he says words but cant comprehend their meaning "WHERE AM I !?!" he takes a calming breath to clear his confused mind. then takes stalk of his wounds and surroundings.
STRWyverne68, Glorified Meatshield In The Gothic Wars Since Jul 2012.

"In the dark all men are equal, except for those who embrace it."

#13 Thugren


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Posted 05 September 2012 - 11:20 PM

Krieg I sitting beside a fire. Beside him is his massive broadsword worldender

As you near him you can see that the lade has a large ghouls eye whirling around on it an it stares at you.

Sit down warric or you'll rip that stitching open. In your state even a walker could kill you


#14 Mister Snugles

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Posted 05 September 2012 - 11:50 PM

"I lost my blade out there today commander" Warric says, he then carefully sits down "where are we? and where is the rest of the platoon?"
STRWyverne68, Glorified Meatshield In The Gothic Wars Since Jul 2012.

"In the dark all men are equal, except for those who embrace it."

#15 Thugren


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Posted 06 September 2012 - 12:03 AM

Krieg shakes his head pointing to a pile where your clothes and weapons sit

We lost more than that today boy.... The ghouls ate becoming organized. This is cains fucking fault this is what we made people like him to spare us this.

Krieg spits

And with china knocking on our door we have more problems


#16 Mister Snugles

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Posted 06 September 2012 - 12:13 AM

Warric arms up, looks at his shredded flack vest shrugs tears of the belts rigs them with extra clips and ammo but leaving room for more should he find it "Any word from HQ? Or is our objective still the same?"
STRWyverne68, Glorified Meatshield In The Gothic Wars Since Jul 2012.

"In the dark all men are equal, except for those who embrace it."

#17 Thugren


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Posted 06 September 2012 - 01:13 AM

Krieg sharpens his blade

Mine hasn't but yours has, you will be sent north to the border to help an outpost there. With Cain running rampant we need all hands on deck .


#18 Mister Snugles

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Posted 06 September 2012 - 06:33 AM

"Understood commander, I will hold the Outpost." Warric says grimacing at the thought eminent invasion from china and the shitty timing of Zombie evolution were the two somehow hand in hand? Warric would have to keep his eyes open "when am I due there?"
STRWyverne68, Glorified Meatshield In The Gothic Wars Since Jul 2012.

"In the dark all men are equal, except for those who embrace it."

#19 Thugren


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Posted 06 September 2012 - 06:50 AM

Krieg stads gripping his sword

YOu have three days, you are safe here to heal and gain strength, ghouls do not come here. Let yourself patch up and set out. i Will be leaving you now. Do not fail me more than you alrready have warric


#20 Mister Snugles

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Posted 08 September 2012 - 03:48 AM

Warric draws his blade and salutes "yes commander I will hold the line" Warric then rests for 2 days as well as scouts out the area so that he will be ready to leave at 12:00 a.m. to fulfill his mission.
STRWyverne68, Glorified Meatshield In The Gothic Wars Since Jul 2012.

"In the dark all men are equal, except for those who embrace it."

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