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Community Bulletin 20/01/2012

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#1 CruciasNZ


    Squeak Squeak Mother F***ers

  • Administrators
  • Others: GWRS 2.0 Supporter, GWRS Governing Council
  • 12 171 inlägg

Postad 20 januari 2012 - 09:42

Welcome to 2012 people!

It's been awhile since I wrote one of these bulletins and I have no excuse, I couldn't be arsed :D

So.. onto business!

New Domain

You have probably noticed we now have moved to the new domain. This has caused all the URLs on the forums to break. Therefore if you come across a link in the forum, sending you to another part of the forum, using the old revenantwings domain please do one of the following;
  • Edit the post and replace "revenantwings.org/spacemarine" with "gothicwars.org/forums"
  • PM CruciasNZ with a link to the post the offending link is in, he changed the domains, therefore he broke it, therefore he fixes it :(
New Group Images

You must have noticed Apulo's uber cool group images that replaced the old ones. The reason for this was we originally created the banners to correspond to a sense of order.

However all the little special treatments certain groups asked for (*cough* NIGHT LORDS *cough*) buggered that all up! Therefore the new banners have been instigated to bring order to [the forum] chaos and there will be no changes!

New Award System

Othrim has finished adding new awards and they should go live soon. You get them automatically for forum progress, so #posts etc. Remember if you have any ideas for awards tell the admins! We want to make this place as cool as possible

Xbox Live Online Tracker Gone Bonk

Due to Microsoft making changes and not telling the people who maintain the community API's it's currently broken, no eta on being fixed. If only we could turn it off and on again.......

Steam Online Tracker

This is Apulo's next pet project, it will display all people who are logged into steam hopefully. Stay tuned!

New Homepage


I spent sometime putting together a simple and elegant homepage, most of you will never see it but.... appreciate my work dammit!


Do Not XBL-Message or PM Me Website or Community Issues/Requests.
Use The Support Centre Instead!


Change Theme!