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And on the 6th day, the mods gave us S.O.P's.

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#1 Commander Mongo

Commander Mongo

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Posted 19 May 2012 - 10:06 PM

This is not an open debate about whats cheap, and how individuals like to play. I'm looking to my Brothers here, to help me bring this all together, and create a list of SOPs that the factions can choose from to play sanctioned matches in.

This IS NOT a thread about who thinks melta spamming is cheap, or who spammed whom last week, or any and all things not directly pertaining to this next statement.

In this thread, is the basic skeletal rubric for the beta version 2.1 of the gothic wars "Combat Codex" where you will find an over iew and explination of the core doctrines, basic application and the new "Chapter Match" ( which I will refer to as "sanctioned match" ) Round template. While I greatly encourage questions and clarifications, as you will see this is a very interactive and audiance participation is required. I only ask that you begin playing the SOPs as soon as today.
Why? Because we need all the feedback we can get to tailer this to our needs, that and who do you think is creating these things? Yes, the leaders and mods made the first few, the rest are coming from you. Devise, dictate and deliver your ideas to this forum, (unless crucias could create a sub forum for the proposal and the voting, to keep it a neat) post your idea, perhaps some backstory or why you like it. (I will be pming a good amount of you to request your help in play testing.) From there organize a few test runs and have those involved post their findings. Again I feel that 15 core SOPs (standard operation procedures, or I like styles of play) is a good starting number, and thus, all sanctioned matches are heretofore only to be played by those rules. As we get more used to them, and have a smooth flow going with these ( and the CALANDAR IS GOING TO MAKE THIS SO SIMPLE! Thank again cotw!) we can start perment fly expanding the list. And FYI if a two factions want to face each other without using the list, have at it, as long as both leaders agree to the terms , and aknologe it by posting such in this thread. Because to be honest if this pissy and cancerous attitude after matches don't go someone's way, so now we will go I. GW and cause drama (Everyone is right, because at that point you're all wrong.) doesn't come to an end soon, I will just walk away, and I know I won't be alone in this.

From there we can work on applying it to anything else.
(To further clarify, I have stated this in posts before, and COTw has also added his voice as well)
This seems almost silly to have to say, but I want to cover all my bases here...

If you like playing a certain type of (tactic/role/game type/weapon/map), you should not only discuss this with the faction leaders, but with the faction as a whole. In fact, each faction should set up a sub forum for this discussion, if for no other reason then decide what the faction is willing to play, and what they prefer to play.( you just may get surprised)
Conversely, if you abhor a certain (tactic/role/game type/weapon/ or map)... This should also be discussed in the aforementioned sub forum.

Going one step further, I feel that we need to establish at least 15 S.O.Ps ( standard operating procedures, OR systems of play) that can be universally agreed upon, and easier to communicate (and therefore clarify, and thus eliminate comments like " oh I didn't know we were playing without (x)" ) between chapter masters(game organizers) and within the chapters themselves.


The Grey Knights
The Emperor's first Legion:
The Dark Angels

Best of 5

2 rounds Seize Ground:
Knights Templar, 2500 PTs
2 rounds CTF:
True sons of the Emperor, 5 caps
1 round Annihilation:
Armageddon, 100 kills.

The SOP's:

Knights Templar:[/b][/u]
Named for the first no perks advocates here on gothic wars, game type is simple, no perks FF on. Here's to you Ordo.

True Sons of the Emperor:
Another product of lore based 40k fanboy isms made real through Space Marine...
The game is fought with the iconic weapons the God-Emperor of mankind always intended for us to use...
Bolters and Blades only Brothers. (this includes bolt pistols, along with bolters, stalker and storm bolters, and knives gentalmen)
Tactical classes only, with no perk limitation.
FF on.

Think of the Battles for Armageddon...
Free for all.
FF on.

The Emperors Gauntlet:
I will let ordo send me his synopsis, but for now it's posted in the Templar section.

Bolt Pistols & Butter knives:
Pistols and knives only, tac and dev allowed.
FF on

I would eventually like to see something like a separate page on gothic wars, dedicated to the discussion, and testing of new SOGs that the Community would be encouraged to develop. They could post a poll explaining there idea, and if say 20 people vote it we will play test it, at an agreed time, the 20 people who voted (or should I say volunteered) will play a 2 of 3 and report their over all findings. If its well received we can add it to the official list of SOGs for sanctioned Chapter matches.

Finally I would also like to point out the match structure I used above.
I think this would be ideal frame work for how sanctioned matches are played. I am speaking of the "Best of 5• 2,2,1" layout.
2 matches of one game type , with each team choosing a map/alternating hosting and one team getting the choice of the SOG
2 matches of another(or the same) game type, again each team choosing a map, and the other team now choosing the SOG.

I would say the unwritten rule here being, (just my opinion) both games, for both teams are to be fully competed, regardless of whether someone reaches 3 or not. Out of mutual respect for one another, if you play according to one, you play according to the other.

The final match being a FFA death match, sudden death.
Map choice going to the team with the lowest combined overall score.
*note that the final match does not have to be FFA or annihilation. So long as both teams agree on the terms, and post them on the public challenge forum.

I look forward to hearing what you think.

Mongo: out.

Post Script:
While posted in the mod forums some questions arose, so for the sake of brevity, here...

While there is no intent to create a single set of rules and restrictions for every game to be played by, I do feel that the creation of the SOPs (I think 15 would be a good number to start with) is one of the better options out there for us right now. The new SOPs will add life and fresh air, into the rather stagnant gameplay options we have now. It should also all but remove the term SPAM from a large part of the conversations( and can I tell you how much that word irks me now)

Gerhart made some great comments on this when I posted a test version, and I would just like to thank him again and ask that if you haven't already, you should all rep him. While he and I have not shared the same opinion about many things, over the past weeks as I've become more active here, he has garnered a great deal of my respect...
Anyway Gerhart, thanks.


#2 Ork Slayer117

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Posted 19 May 2012 - 10:36 PM

We should have a combat blade only template. =O


Raven Guard ftw
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#3 NightWolf889


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Posted 19 May 2012 - 11:30 PM

We should have a combat blade only template. =O


Raven Guard ftw

...8v8 with Knives only and no perks?

Ork contact Batman, THIS MUST HAPPEN!

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-Commander Argentius, Silver Skulls

#4 Commander Mongo

Commander Mongo

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Posted 20 May 2012 - 12:04 AM

You do well! Ha ha ha... You do well...

Now just work on your formatting:


Running with scissors:
Description: My grand mother is rolling in her grave...
Combat blades only, (chain/power swords only)
Class Restriction: No devs
Perks: serrated combat blade, and teleport homer/rapid deploy/tactile readout.
Teams size: kill team(5v5) strike team(8v8)
Game type: Seize Ground & Annihilation.


Great idea guys keep it up!

Thanks for the support.


#5 Commander Mongo

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Posted 20 May 2012 - 02:59 AM

I would also like to propose the creation of "The Honor Duel"
Myself and many others here have spoken at length about the rebuilding of this community, and more over, we voiced just how fed up and disgusted we are with the school yard disrespect. The sore losing, the constant bitching about brother so&so and his melta, or xyz faction spam swarmed us again.

In the last few weeks I know it to be a fact that myself and a dedicated group of others has invested considerable amounts of our precious personal time, in the name of making this work, and giving everyone a place to enjoy this game, the 40k franchise and most important of all a plae to enjoy one anothers friendships.

All that work, and I still find myself plagued with the same Babytown Frolic. He called me a name, or he cursed at me and made my cry. (sadly I'm not really exagerating this much). I've reached te point now where I'm done. And not to far from washing my hands of the lot of it.

Here's my last ditch effort.

If A Player offends you, in anyway( any serious way) and you really are completely incapable of dealing with it on your own, like men. Then we will give you a hand, both partys can choose to request an honor duel, a 1v1 annihilation to 10. Win lose or draw, when that game ends, the issue ends. The respective chapters will send a senior representative to observe and keep it from getting out of hand.

If at any time, either player crosses the line, and says anything to the other party other than good game, I'm sorry, or have a nice day, said player moves strait to pony warning 2, and from there faces suspension and or banishment, if they still continue.

I would say the same should go for any member who agrees to a sanctioned match(chapter/faction battle, which are now using the SOP system so both factions had their equal share of game type) and then begins to post, complaining about this same silly shit we've done all this to avoid. I feel they should also go to pony 2.
Sadly the only way I think we can stop this is to go zero tolerance with regards to insults, disrespect and just down right childishness.

Thanks for hearing that out. It's been building for a while.

#6 SpecSlaughter22


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Posted 20 May 2012 - 03:43 AM

My Input:

I think we should have a number of styles of play and every match start with an honor duel and the winning team picks the first 2 match types and the losing team picks the last match types. My issue with the Emporers gauntlet is the sanctions. They take too long, require people to be adults about getting sanctioned, and well basically it's new so the rules need to be set out barney style so no one get's confused. I've said this to someone before about Games determining who's wrong and right. It's not going to solve anything. Thats why we have leadership to debate things for their members and when that doesnt work and they bring it to GW then Crucias and the Mod team can handle it. On that note if you dont have anything good to say about someone keep it to yourself and if you dont like the way a team plays then dont play them, plain and simple. Also I think there should be different types of gameplay after each match ie: you just played a seize ground...play annihilation next. then CTf...or something to that effect with or with out the new playstyles people are coming up with in here. Also when in chapter matches everyone stay in party chat and let the leaders sort out the details. That way noone is saying anything to upset someones fragile ego.

just my thoughts:-p
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#7 Commander Mongo

Commander Mongo

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Posted 20 May 2012 - 04:23 AM

Spec, there will be 15 game types to choose from at first, so you need not worry about variety, wink wink.
As for the mission type, I thought, but don't feel like reading over it again at the moment, that I mentioned that the matches will be mixing in other aspects like CTF and the others, especially as some of the SOPs are geared more towards some of the other ones.

As for the honor duel, I should have been clearer, but I was a bit steamed at that time.
I not recommending them to decide who is right or wrong on an issue, that's irrelevant to everything.
If the two involved can get along like adults, then they are both wrong... True story.

I meant this more for members with hostility towards each other, ie "I'm so sick of so&so and that vengeance launcher, I would destroy him 1 on 1"
I've heard statements like that at least 5 times since Friday, and to be fair, the members were all from different factions. Instead of that building up to a real issue, just let them go out back and beat the piss out of each other for a bit, then it's done.
If the issue is one of disrespect, poor gamesmanship, or general douche baggery, then the masters and mods will deal with it, and I feel it should be swift, and harsh, multiple offense equals revocation of membership, there should be know, it won't happen again, because they will be gone.

As for the duel to decide choice order, I feel that this gets boring and makes the others restless, it can be hard enough just getting everyone on at the same time, let alone keep them waiting.
I think challenger gets first SOP choice, challenged gets first map choice. Then switch.

In any event, thanks spec, seriously. Thank you for continuously reppingthe deathwatch and this community with honor and I integrity.

#8 SpecSlaughter22


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Posted 20 May 2012 - 07:06 AM

Ahh ok now i get what you mean(honor duels). Hell yeah if they got beef settle that on the field lol. I see what you mean and it would keep people challenging others too so they get the playstyle first which in turn makes a very ACTIVE community. Ill be brainstorming to find some good ideas:)

Thanks mongo. I appreciate this community and support all of the activity your trying to bring it. A little mor time and we all will make Space Marines a more entertaining and competative game for all.
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#9 WarmasterSinn


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Posted 22 May 2012 - 10:14 AM

just a quick question,, how do we go about setting up these honour duels because theres two people i would love to call out for 1v1 and have offered one of them a 1v1 before,, can an honour duel be denied (people pussying out)?
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#10 Commander Mongo

Commander Mongo

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Posted 22 May 2012 - 04:21 PM

just a quick question,, how do we go about setting up these honour duels because theres two people i would love to call out for 1v1 and have offered one of them a 1v1 before,, can an honour duel be denied (people pussying out)?

In my humble opinion, if you wish to meet another player in a 1v1 duel for honor, over a slight, or some unresolved issue, follow your command chain.
Speak with your factions leadership, and they can then go about arranging it.
I think this will remove a lot of the "pussying out" as you called it. As by involving the Faction leaders, the duel now also involves the rep of the entire faction. (IE you call out a white scar, with whom you have a bone to pick re: disrespect. Your Faction leader, if he/she feels that this should be addressed, they would then come to me(or croms) and request the duel. If one of my Scars tried to back out, I would take that as a stain on our Chapters honor, and thus either make him, or have a formal apology made to you.

Just how I might do it.


#11 ogreninja


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Posted 22 May 2012 - 04:42 PM

Im liking the idea behind all this and hopefully it'll help sort out all the bitching that happens on here and im definitely in favour of the close combat only battles blades only game. the only thing id suggest is that everyone agrees on either assault or tactical to keep the same amount of maneuverability i think it'll cut out the "you used assault and jumped away mentality some people might have"
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#12 Kokokacho


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Posted 22 May 2012 - 09:01 PM

Seek and Destroy:
Ahnnialation to 8 kills, no respawning (I think there is an option for this in private matches, could be mistaken)
Anything goes as far as weapons/perks OR could be played no perks.
This could be used as a sudden death tiebreaker or just for fun. Might seem like it would be a quick match, but who knows? Maybe we learn to play carefully with only one life and it turns into a big cat and mouse match, predator hunting predator
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#13 Batman2213


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Posted 23 May 2012 - 01:18 AM

Seek and Destroy:
Ahnnialation to 8 kills, no respawning (I think there is an option for this in private matches, could be mistaken)
Anything goes as far as weapons/perks OR could be played no perks.
This could be used as a sudden death tiebreaker or just for fun. Might seem like it would be a quick match, but who knows? Maybe we learn to play carefully with only one life and it turns into a big cat and mouse match, predator hunting predator

I really like this idea actually... I'm not sure how feesible it is, but I like it a lot. :D
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#14 Kokokacho


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Posted 25 May 2012 - 06:32 PM

Well, I checked the options in the private match settings and it turns out you can't do it. It has different respawn time settings, but you can't set it to no respawns. For some reason I thought you could.
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#15 Ryankamun II

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Posted 25 May 2012 - 08:52 PM

You guys are playing too much Diablo III on Hardcore :)
Ryankamun II, Glorified Meatshield In The Gothic Wars Since Feb 2012.

#16 Cypher 1013

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Posted 27 May 2012 - 10:55 PM

I really like this idea and would love for it to begin.
Stoopid fuqing rools.
Awesome ends with me.

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