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#1 Brother Agatone

Brother Agatone

    The Relentless

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  • Xbox Live:The Warmaster82

Postad 01 mars 2013 - 06:05

As some you know, I applied to a magnet program, or in other words an advanced sort of high school. Well, I got in out of nine hundred applicants, but what I've just realized is that it was logical to resign my command considering I will now have double advanced math and science courses, along with advanced lit and foreign language (Spanish). This also means that I can't check out gothic wars often considering my very soon to be recieves mountains of course work, sent from four gods of chaos' table of woes, or what ever the hell they use to torture you. Of course despite all this I still plan to see if I can get that new Xbox 720 ( or what ever the hell they slap on as a title) because the very little time I do have between crew and school I will be enjoying some much needed stress relievers by tearing my foes to pieces with great vigor. Not to mention ubisoft has announced it's Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, is I will be sure to want that as well as halo 5 when ever the hell that comes out. Now do not expect me to play all day and night during the summer before freshman year either, apparently I have to do swim team, life guarding (time to get paid), and some kind of volunteer program at some hospital (still havn't seen application, so this is a possibility). Now this thread may long and very rant-like, but it is common in my family to rant, in fact my mom rants to herself about inefficient the United State's government can be, so with this conclusion, hasta mañana y adios mis amigos.
Purge the heresy with the Emperor's fire of retribution. Destroy the mutant against the anvil of his wrath. Exterminate the xenos with the courage of humanity.

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