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painting some DA (and a return to the hobby!)

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#1 Warmonger



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Postad 19 januari 2013 - 11:40

When I first started the hobby all these years ago, I feel like I made a few mistakes.

The first was choosing my army (orks) which were cool for me at the time, but I had chosen them because my friend also had them, and I didn't really mesh with their characters as much as I would have because of that.

The second was my choice in painting techniques :s Looking back at the models I painted I wonder what on earth went wrong, I mean why would anyone paint orks blue? (slight joke, they were more green than blue but still!)

And that brings me to the title of this ramble. I have at long last returned to the hobby, and this time I am determined to do it right. I have chosen space marines and with that the dark angels. I have the starter set, and I suppose I will post some pictures in this thread when I feel that they are alright enough to show. Please anyone post pictures and advice on techniques for painting, it would be a massive help!

This planet is a graveyard - care to join me? 

#2 mrFAYO



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Postad 19 januari 2013 - 12:50

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