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sacrifice and redemption

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#1 Angry Comedian

Angry Comedian

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Postad 01 juli 2012 - 06:09

The sun rises on a battle scarred valley shinning light upon the aftermath of a horrendous battle between tau forces and a division of penal legion guardsmen and as the sun rises higher in the the sky, the shadows casting off the dead bodys of guardsmen and tau alike stretch across the battered and bloodied valley. Once a beautiful stretch of hills and lakes is now a charred wasteland covered with impact craters from artillery pieces and the countless dead left behind from both sides, but a lone guardsmen walks among the dead and partially buried,tired and numb from the battles end.

He falls to his knees breathing heavly and and as he regains his awareness he begins to feel a horrible pain at his side looking down to see a plasma wound from a tau pulse rifle realizing that the tau warrior he had fought with had shot him before he bashed his head in with the buttstock from his lasgun. Although the plasma bolt from the pulse rifle only grazed his side it was still very painful and thus he managed to stumble upon a medipack which still had a few supplies.

Having bandaged the wound and taken one of the pill packs he searched amoungst his fellow guardsmen in hopes of finding any other survivors he searched and he searched but to no avail he was the only left out of his entire division thus bringing a cold, quiet sadness to the valley. "why he had said to himself "why am i the one that survived" he began screaming amoungst the countless dead echoing his screams of despair for he was a murder of countless civilians and even though his cruelty against the defenceless was unjust he knew that he deserved nothing more then a slow grueling death. which is why he had turned himself in to be put in a penal legion to pay for the crimes that he had committed and even though he was a criminal and so were the rest of the penal guardsmen he fought with ,he still felt saddened by their death but before he could morn the loss of his fellow legionnaires he turned to find himself starring down the barrel of a tau pulse rifle for he was not the only one that had survived for a lone tau fire warrior also survied the relentless battle as well.

The shas'la, angered by the death of his fellow warriors against such a primative and un-diserving race of the greater using all of his strength to remain standing, also wounded from the battle bleeding from his chest starring at the wounded guardsmen seeing his wounds and the look of weakness in his eyes the shas'la almost felt sorry for him. Felling like fate had brought them to face eachother like this the shas'la lowered his pulse rifle reaching into one of his utility pouches pulling out a small piece of food that he had scavenged from one of the planets market places, extending his hand out towards the guardsmen as if to show mercy upon him the guardsmen declined this show of mercy which the shas'la did not ake very kindly. putting the piece of food back in the pouch punched the guardsmen in the side of his bandaged wound then kicking him in the chest knocking the guardsmen off his feet ,on the grounding trying to catch his breath the shas'la stood over him with the sun at his back ,seeing only the dark silhouette of his executioner hovering over him getting up but only to the point where he was on his knee's as to beg for mercy the shas'la took this as an insult then pummeled him again and again but the guardsmen still remained on his knee's and as the shas'la raised another fist towards the sky the guardsmen jumped with great vigor from the ground, tackling the fire warrior and throwing him to the ground.

knocking th pulse rifle from his hands the guardsmen then began beating the shas'la blow after blow pummeling the tau warrior wwith his fists but the warrior was not beaten and thus began a long and grueling melee battle between the two tussling on the ground both fighting for their survival before they managed to break away and returned to their feet standing, starring at eachother both of them exhausted and frustrated. Both knew that only one of them would leave this valley but waited for the other to charge first as if to counter with the finishing blow, after waiting for tow minutes the shas'la become cocky and made the first move drawing a bonding knife from its sheath he charged the guardsmen at a dead sprint confident in his abilities but the gaurdsmen had a blade of his own hidding a small shank he had hidden behind his back charged the stampeding warrior ,neither one slowing down both filled with hatred of the other met swinging their blades erratically both missing eachother by mere inches but the shas'la made a precise hit on the guardsmens leg immobilizing him , as the shas'la drew close to apply the final blow the non believer, the guardsmen grabbed him by the arm pulled the warrior in closer stabbing him in the chest repeatedly while the shas'la screamed in agonizing pain, attempting to put distance between himself and the guardsmen he was impaled by a jabb from the guardsmens knife to his throat then being pushed away from the victorious guardsmen.

As the shas'la squirmed gasping for breath before finally falling still in a pool of it's own blood the guardsmen sat thee contempt with his victory but as he began to stand up another pain fell over him he looked down in the direction of the pain seeing the warriors knife lodged in his side. Even though he had hit the warrior with more then enough times with his blade the shas'la made a another precise strike to the side hitting one of the vital organs and causing enough damage for the guardsmen to dye just from blood loss. His wish had come true and he knew he wouldn't survive, a stream of blood flowing from the wound down hisside onto the ground and as the guardsmen collapsed into a pool of his own blood he heard a distant but familiar noise, the sound of imperial tanks and more troops coming to reinforce the the frontline, he smiled knowing that he had finally paid for his crimes, soon he would know peace and as the reinforcing guardsmen drew closer to his location he plunged the blade farther into his side to make sure that they couldnt heal his wounds and with that the life in his eyes disapeared and his final breath had been released thus the legion had done it's job sacrificing themsleves and killing the enemy forces leaving the actual guardsmen to push the remaingenemy back and achieving victory for the emporer thus the surrounding area where the tau fought against penal legion troops and lost would then be remebered as the "valley of redemption".
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#2 Brother White

Brother White

    Forge Master of the Crimson Fists

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Postad 02 juli 2012 - 01:21

Very nice! You just in a writing mode ain't you?

Sent from The Righteous Truth, Battle Barge of the Third Company of the Crimson Fists

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